Note Taking Supports

Livescribe Smartpen requires a desktop application to store content. All others have browser-based options. Depending on notetaking needs, it may make sense to have “several tools in the toolbox”.

Below, you will find a comparison chart to assist you with identifying how the core features of each application differs:

 Notetaking Feature Comparison Chart  

Features Glean OneNote Livescribe Smartpen
Record Audio Lectures X X X X
Transcription X* X
Type Notes X X
Hand Write Notes X** X
Organize and Edit Notes Post Lecture X X
Digital Access To Notes and Recordings X X X X
Import Images X X X
Platform Availability Web Browser Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Web Browser Windows, Mac, iOS, Android Web Browser

X* – Future feature. Not available at this time 

X** – When using a tablet stylist