Assistive Technology Initiative

Services Beyond the Mason Community

The ATI provides the following services to universities, organizations, companies and individuals outside the George Mason University community on a case-by-case basis. Each request is reviewed and determined if it can be fulfilled within a timely manner as to not take ATI staff away from serving the Mason community. Please complete a Contact Us Form for inquiries and requests for the services below.

Assistive Technology

  • Assessment $250: An assessment includes a 2 hour meeting and a final report to determine technologies and strategies to improve an individual’s functioning. ATI staff will meet with the individual to gather information and determine recommendations based upon the client’s needs. A report will then be written and submitted to the client within 2 weeks of the assessment. The report will include findings and technology recommendations and resources for purchasing, obtaining technology and receiving training.
  • Assistive Technology Individual Training $75/hr: Training includes installing hardware/software, user account or profile set-up and instruction on how to navigate and use any AT hardware/software based upon the client’s needs. Visit our Assistive Technology Training page for an example list of technologies that ATI supports. If you require training on a piece of hardware/software that is not listed on our website, please contact us to determine if we will be able to accommodate your training need.

Web Accessibility/Policy & Procurement

  • Assessment $250: A Web Accessibility assessment includes a 2 hour meeting (in-person, online or conference call) to determine the client’s needs and a written report. The report will be submitted to the client within 2 weeks of the meeting and will include recommendations on how to move forward and any supporting documents that may be utilized.
  • University, Organization or Company Assessment and Audit $2,150: An audit includes an overall accessibility assessment of 25 of the client’s most-accessed web-pages on their website, a written report including findings from manual and automated testing for WCAG 2.0 AA and Section 508 standards, a 2 hour (in-person or online) session provided to the webmasters and content managers to review the report and basic web accessibility training. This entire process is typically completed within 30-45 days. Please contact us to discuss this service.
  • Please contact us to determine pricing for additional Assessments/Audits such as:
    • University/Organization or Company Accessibility Plan
    • Policy and Procurement


  • Training $150/hour: Please contact us to discuss your specific training needs. Training topics include but are not limited to the following:
    • Assistive Technology Group Training
    • Web Accessibility Testing & Reporting
    • Creating Policy and Procurement
    • Strategic Management

Accessible Text

  • Prices vary: Include Standard Braille and Tactile Graphics. Please contact us to discuss this service.