Alert: Changes are coming to ADA Title II. Learn more about the ATI's Digital Content Accessibility Action Plan (DCAAP)!

By April 24, 2026, George Mason University must ensure all its websites and mobile apps comply with ADA Title II and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA - making digital content accessible for everyone, including people with disabilities. Click the link below to learn more about the ATI's plan for this effort!Read more
Assistive Technology Initiative

Mobile Apps

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Mobile apps listed below may assist in accessing Mason services, E-books, organizing & notetaking support, etc. on iOS and Android based smartphones.

Reading and E-Book Apps


Audiobooks iconAubiobooks for iOS lets you search and download classic books and novels and listen to them on the go! Pause, Play, and Rewind allows you to listen on your own time.



CourseSmart is a FREE app for iOS, Android and Windows tablets that allows you to download your textbooks and resources for your classes. Must have an account with CourseSmart view and download textbooks. You must pay for your textbooks, however the app is free.

*TextHelp E-Book Reader

texthelp icon TextHelp E-Book Reader is designed for the iPad and Android tablets.  Read books aloud with highlighting. Other tools in the Read & Write such as the dictionary and translator are also available. You will need to create a free Text Help account and Bookshare account to access Bookshare books.


audible Audible is a FREE app by Amazon for iOS, Android and Windows mobile devices. The app allows you to access your Audible account to listen to your downloaded books. Even though the app is free, you may need to pay a minimal amount for an Audible account.

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Writing Apps

writer Writer is a FREE app for Android mobile phones and tablets. It provides a clean, distraction free writing environment without all the fuss of a word processor. Its perfect for just taking notes or writing papers.

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Note-Taking and Studying Apps


Evernote appEvernote is a FREE app for iOS, Android, PC, and Mac. Take notes, capture photos, create to-do lists, record voice reminders with searchable notes on all your devices, whether at home, at work, or on the go. Must create a free Evernote account.


 notabilityNotability for iPad is a powerful handwriting, PDF annotation, typing, recording, and organizing app. Organize notes by class or subject then share through email, Dropbox or Google drive. Purchase for $9.99.


SoundNote Icon

Take recorded and written notes in lectures and meetings on an iPad. Create notes while recording audio, to never miss important details. During playback, just tap a word: SoundNote will jump right to the proper time in the audio. Purchase for $4.99.


 Audio Note IconAudio Note Lite is a FREE app for iOS devices. Take recorded or written notes. It’s great for recording classroom lectures, homework assignments and reminders.


iStudiez App iconiStudiez Pro for iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows devices is studying/organizing app for students, employees and parents. Keep track of assignments, tasks and calendars all within one app. Use color codes to distinguish between classes, subjects and homework.

*Inspiration Maps

Inspiration IconInspiration Maps Lite for iPad is the mobile app version of *Inspiration 9 mind mapping software. Create and organize thoughts into diagrams, charts and outlines that will visually help communicate ideas. A great tool for organizing ideas, homework assignments, and projects into visual charts and graphs.

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Apps for Users who are Visually Impaired

*AccessNotes iOS & *AccessNote Android

Access note logoAccessNote is a FREE app on iOS and Android devices that allows visually impaired users to take quality notes with customized keyboard commands, cursor tracking and efficient navigation. It also contains a powerful search feature to search among all of the notes and provides keystroke efficiency so that a user can get more done with less keystrokes.  or  to download.

*TapTapSee iOS & *TapTapSee Android

Tap Tap see logoTapTapSee is a FREE app available on iOS and Android designed to help the visually impaired identify objects encountered. Double tap the screen to take a photo of anything, at any angle, and the app will speak the item back using Voice Over. It also announces branding and image descriptions.

*Vision Assist

 Vision assist logoVision Assist is a low cost iOS app that turns a mobile device into an electronic magnifier.  Users can have a magnifier in their pocket to use on the go to read menus, labels, magazines and more. Features include: zoom up to 20x, color and black/white features, pause display option and more. Purchase for $5.99,


Prizmo logoPrizmo is an iOS low cost scanning and OCR app that is accessible with Voice Over. It can scan documents, receipts, business cards and images and export them as a PDF/text file or as an image file. Using voice guidance, Prizmo will also guide the user on text orientation for taking a quality image. Purchase for $9.99,

*Color Identifier

 Color IdentifierThe Color Identifier Apple device app uses the camera of an iPhone or iPod touch to speak the names of colors in real-time. Point the camera at an object and the color of the object will be read aloud. Purchase for $4.99.

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Document Scanning & Organization Apps

*TurboScan iOS & *Turbo Scan Android

Turbo Scan AppTurboScan for Android and iOS turn mobile devices into a multipage scanner for documents, receipts, notes, whiteboards, and other text. Store scans on a device or email them as multipage PDF or JPEG files. Purchase for $4.99.

*Perfect OCR

Perfect OCRPerfect OCR for iOS device offers document scanning while accurately recognizing text for clear and concise scans. Once OCR’d the image can be edited, copied, emailed and more. Purchase for $1.99.


Dropbox IconDropbox is a free cloud storage system that can be downloaded on any PC, Mac, or mobile device. Store documents, videos, and pictures to a Dropbox folder and access or share files on the go.

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