Alert: Changes are coming to ADA Title II. Learn more about the ATI's Digital Content Accessibility Action Plan (DCAAP)!

By April 24, 2026, George Mason University must ensure all its websites and mobile apps comply with ADA Title II and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA - making digital content accessible for everyone, including people with disabilities. Click the link below to learn more about the ATI's plan for this effort!Read more
Assistive Technology Initiative

Access for Visually Impaired

*Links open in a new window.

This page describes the software supported by George Mason that can aid employees and students who are visually impaired due to blindness or low vision. Assessments and training for the following software can be provided by the ATI at the Fairfax campus. These technologies are also available in the AT Labs in campus libraries. Contact us to schedule an appointment.

JAWS For Windows

JAWS for Windows Boxed Software

 *JAWS for Windows from Freedom Scientific, is screen reading software for computers running any Windows operating system. It reads the information that is on the screen to benefit those users who are blind or have significant low-vision. All information including menu bars, text in word processors, email, web pages, and information found in dialog boxes is provided through speech output. Visit the links below under JAWS Training for more information.

JAWS Training Resources

*JAWS Quick Start Guide

*What’s New in JAWS 17

*JAWS Internet Keystrokes- Word Doc

JAWS Office 2007-2010 Training

*PowerPoint 2010 Keyboard Commands- Word Doc

*JAWS PowerPoint Helpful Hints- Word Doc

JAWS with Blackboard

*Blackboard Screen Reader Tutorials

NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access)

*NVDA is a free screen reading software developed by NV Access that enables the visually impaired to use their computer. Like JAWS, it is available only for Microsoft Windows and can be downloaded to any PC or onto a USB drive. At Mason, NVDA is installed on the AT Lab computers. To download NVDA, visit: *NVDA Download Website.

ZoomText Magnifier/Reader for Mac & Windows

"ATI Equipment"

*Zoomtext Magnifier/Reader from AiSquared, is a Windows/Mac based software program that enlarges the screen image up to 32X its typical size. It is very useful for those with low-vision or who suffer from eye-strain. It also provides screen reading capabilities so that you can see and hear everything you’re doing in different applications. Zoomtext is very compatible with Microsoft Office as well as internet applications. Visit the links below to download a FREE trial of Zoomtext or view the demo video to see Zoomtext in action!

*ZoomText Free Trial Download for Windows

*ZoomText Free Trial Download for Mac

ZoomText Demo Video

Zoomtext Keyboard

ZoomText Keyboard

The Zoomtext Keyboard is designed for anyone who struggles to see the small keys on their keyboard. The Zoomtext keyboard has easy to see buttons with enlarged 36 point font and contrasted colors. The keyboard comes in either white letters on a black background, or black letters on a yellow background. It also features Quick Access keys at the top of the keyboard that you can use in conjunction with the Zoomtext software. See the demo video below for more information.