Hello, I'm Greg O'Connor, and welcome to this iOS keyboards video-- Read&Write keyboard for the iPad. Let's check out installing and using the Read&Write keyboard for your iPad. Once you've downloaded Read&Write for iPad, you can open the app directly from the App Store, or find the app on your iPad and open it there. The first time you open the app, you will be presented with a wizard. This wizard just needs to take you through two things you need to do before you start using the app. So when you've got the wizard in front of you just press Start Set Up Wizard. And the first thing you need to do, is you need to enable the keyboard so you can start using it on your iPad. If you're not sure how to do this, or you have never done this before, there's a short video in the wizard. But I'll show you now how you can do this on your iPad. So go to Settings, and in Settings find General. And then when you're in General, scroll down to Keyboard. Select Keyboard, and at the top of the list there'll be Keyboards-- select Keyboards. And here's listed the current keyboards you have on your iPad. To add your new keyboard you just download to that list, select Add New Keyboard. And here you have a list of third party keyboards. Scroll down and there you should actually have all the keyboards you downloaded, including Read&Write. Now Read&Write's added to your list. There's one thing you have to do, though, before you can move on. You got to just select Read&Write keyboard and choose Allow Full Access. You need to choose this if you want the keyboard to be fully functional. OK, now return to the app. And you can return to the wizard by going through the same steps and getting to the last step in the wizard. And that's where the app asks you to register. Now, the Read&Write for iPad app is free as a 30-day trial. At the end of the 30 days it's still free, but some of the features will no longer be accessible. However, if you're a current Read&Write user, you might have a Read&Write account for Read&Write for Mac or for Windows, or you might have a Read&Write for Google account. If you have either of those you can choose Yes, and then just sign in with the serial number that you have for your software or sign in with your Google account. And that's what I'll do. I'll sign in with my Google account. And I'll just accept those conditions. And now it takes me into the app and it tells me that I'm signed in, and it tells me how many days I have left on my current subscription. And here I am. I'm now in the app. And here I can actually look at the various features that Read&Write for iPad keyboard has, and actually decide which of those features I wish to use or not wish to use. So starting at the top, there's Highlight Vowels. So in the keyboard-- if I've got that selected-- the vowels will be highlighted in a different color from the rest of the keyboard. The second feature-- I can now decide to use the OpenDyslexic Font, rather than the default font. Further down, I have a theme, and I can choose different color themes for my keyboard. It currently is in purple. I could choose pink, teal, orange, or green. I'll go back to purple. Moving down the list of features-- Speak As I Type. With this turned on, as I type-- because Read&Write for iPad has word prediction and I'm using my word prediction in the app-- as the words that I use, I select and type are put into my document-- that will be automatically read back to me. So that's a really good feature. I'll have that turned on. The next one is Continuous Reading. Read&Write for iPad allows me not only to read back as I write, but once I've completed a writing task, I can have the document read back to me just for review and proofreading. If I don't have Continuous Reading turned on, it will just read back a sentence at a time, and I'll have to manually read each sentence. With Continuous Reading turned on, it will read the whole document back to me continuously. So I'll choose that to be turned on. On the next two-- Speak Suggestion and Swipe To Insert. Speak Suggestion-- when I'm using the word prediction feature, and as I start to type in words that are presented in the word prediction feature-- with that feature turned on I can have each word read back to me by tapping on the word. With that happening now, it means if I tap on the word it won't insert the word in the document, it will just read it back to me. So I need to enable this next feature-- Swipe To Insert-- because I can tap on the word, hear the word read back to me, and then to insert it in my document I can swipe it and it inserts itself into the document. At the bottom of the features there you can see it shows me my link to my current Read&Write account. So if you're using a 30-day trial, you'll have no link. But if you actually have an account with Read&Write, it will show up there when you've actually linked it to the account. So I'm good to go. So if I click out of that app now-- and if I will open up-- I'll open up my Notes app. And you can see-- I just want to type some notes in and I will just put my cursor there, ready to go. And here I have my keyboard. Now if my keyboard wasn't showing as the Read&Write keyboard, it might have been the default keyboard, which is this one. To get the Read&Write keyboard I just select the Globe key, and then I can choose Read&Write for iPad and then my Read&Write for iPad keyboard is available. Now you can see-- because I turned on the feature for show vowels-- you can see that the five vowels are then colored differently from the rest of the keyboard. But if I just type a sentence-- and the sentence I will type is, "the traditional keyboard is not the only way to type." So I want to type in the first word, and the first what is "the." And I'll press on T. And word prediction starts to occur, and I have various words now. I know that "the" is the fourth one along there, so if I press on it-- The. --and it's now read that back to me. And "traditional" is not there, but I start type in the word traditional, and you can see that word starts to appear on my word prediction. So there it is, so I'll choose it. Traditional. And it's been read back to me. The next word is keyboard. I'll start to type in "keyboard," and you can see "keyboard" is along on my list there-- two, four, fifth one along. So I'll choose "keyboard." Keyboard. And now it's actually predicting grammatically and it's saying you're most likely to be using the word "of," "and," or "is." In this case it's "is," because I want to type "the traditional keyboard is not the only way to type." "Is--" Is. --it's already there for me. "Not" is already there for me. Not. Now if I was having problems listening to those words-- sorry, reading those words as they're coming up-- if I go back to my features and turn on Speak Suggestion and Swipe To Insert, you will now see if I come back here, now I'm not too sure which is the word "to," but by clicking on the word I think it is-- To. --that's the word-- it's read back to me. And I can swipe-- To. --and it is now inserted into the document. So "the traditional keyboard is not--" it wasn't "to--" made a mistake. I meant it to be the word "the." Is that the word "the" there? The. That's it-- The. --that's the one. "Is not the only--" and only's already on my-- Only. There it is for me. Only. "Only-- way--" Way. --is already there-- "to." And so it's actually really supporting my typing, because it's actually predicting grammatically-- To. --"to" and "type." And "type" is there I think. Type. That's it-- that's the word "type." Type. And then with a full stop, I'll have the sentence read back. The traditional keyboard is not the only way to type. I mentioned in the looking at the features, I can actually have my documents read back as well. And on my word prediction toolbar, I can have that read by pressing the Play button. A volcano is a mountain that opens downward to a pool molten rock below the surface of the Earth. When pressure builds up, eruptions occur. Gases and rock-- And you notice that because I had Read Continuously, it wasn't stopping at the end of each sentence-- it was reading on. Next to the Play button on my word prediction toolbar, you'll also see three dots, and that gives me a couple of extra features. So the first one is a Spell Checker. So if I press on it, it will do a spell check for me and currently there are no errors. OK, so I might going in there and make up an error. Let's go and make up an error here. Upe. Now let's try that again and see if we've got an error there. And the Spell Check finds the error in the sentence, and then also provides me the possible solution. When pressure builds upe, eruptions occur. So I can actually have that read again. And I need to put the right word in-- I think that's it-- "up." When pressure builds up, eruptions occur. That's it. And so once I've got my spelling corrected, I press the tick. And now my correction is actually inserted into my document. The second feature that it has within the additional features on the toolbar, it is the Dictionary. And if I just go into-- and I just choose this word here-- "volcano." If I'm unsure what that word means, I press the Dictionary icon and I get a dictionary definition, but I also get on the right hand-side, a symbol-- a pictorial representation of that meaning, as well. Volcano-- noun-- a mountain with a-- And of course, that is how dictionaries can be read back. To return to my keyboard, I press the Keyboard icon on that toolbar and I'm back at my keyboard and I can continue to use Read&Write for iPad keyboard. Thanks for using Spectronics online. For more information, visit our Facebook page, or contact us via our Twitter account, or check out our blog at spectronics.com.au-- until next time.